Commit 731dd92d authored by jzhang's avatar jzhang


parent bec5e987
source '' source ""
platform :ios, '12.0' platform :ios, "12.0"
use_frameworks! use_frameworks!
target 'IFS' do target "IFS" do
pod 'SnapKit' pod "DeviceKit"
pod 'SwiftyJSON' pod "DZNEmptyDataSet"
pod 'Moya' pod "FDFullscreenPopGesture", "~> 1.1"
pod 'DZNEmptyDataSet' pod "HandyJSON", "5.0.4-beta"
pod 'Kingfisher', '7.3.0' pod "Hero"
pod 'DeviceKit' pod "ImagePicker", :git => ""
pod 'Hero' pod "IQKeyboardManager", "~> 5.0.6"
pod 'RxSwift' pod "JPush"
pod 'RxCocoa' pod "Kingfisher", "7.3.0"
pod 'HandyJSON', '5.0.4-beta' pod "MJRefresh", "~>"
pod 'MJRefresh', '~>' pod "Moya"
pod 'IQKeyboardManager', '~> 5.0.6' pod "MZFormSheetPresentationController", "~> 2.4.2"
pod 'FDFullscreenPopGesture', '~> 1.1' pod "PPBadgeViewSwift"
pod 'ImagePicker', :git => '' pod "RATreeView"
pod 'SKPhotoBrowser', '~> 5.0.0' pod "RxCocoa"
pod 'YXAlertController' pod "RxSwift"
pod 'PPBadgeViewSwift' pod "SKPhotoBrowser", "~> 5.0.0"
pod 'SVProgressHUD', '~> 2.2.2' pod "SnapKit"
pod 'UMengAnalytics' pod "SVProgressHUD", "~> 2.2.2"
pod 'JPush' pod "swiftScan", :git => ""
pod 'swiftScan', :git => '' pod "SwiftyJSON"
pod 'MZFormSheetPresentationController', '~> 2.4.2' pod "UMengAnalytics"
pod 'RATreeView' pod "YXAlertController"
end end
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